Archive for the ‘Crappy Food’ Category

Reader Submission – Bacon Wrapped Jalapenos

June 12, 2009

Just when you thought no one was fucked up enough to make these jalapenos, someone did and they loved them. Damn right. This breakfast delicacy is amazing with beer and it also gives you an excuse to drink in the morning! Meet Wayland Cook. Her blog is awesome and I envy her life. My dream is to perfect the art of permaculture; She is well on her way to doing thus. These almost, and I stress almost, look better than mine and they were made by her 13 year old daughter so don’t fucking tell me you are not fully capable of making them your-pathetic-self, loser. Kudos.

Reader Submission – Potato Chips

June 10, 2009

So if you remember, and you probably don’t you fucking hippie stoner, my first attempt at making potato chips was a total bust but then I redeemed myself with some flipping awesome chips. I did, however, come to the conclusion that they would be better off fried as opposed to baked. Well one reader, Auri, capitalized on my incredibly great ideas and made her own. She did, however, have the bright idea to soak them in rock salt water and then fry them. I don’t know what this would accomplish but it sounds like something that would work. These chips actually look really good. What did you use to slice them? Kudos.

Reader Submission – Black Bean Burgers

June 5, 2009

I received an email today from a loyal reader, we will refer to her as Ms. M, and she provided me with this picture of the black bean burgers she made. The burgers themselves look fantastic and I can tell you cooked them perfectly due to their color. The biggest mistake when cooking these black bean burgers is undercooking them. So cheers to you, Ms. M, for not fucking them up. Now, I do take some reservation with the garnishing. Are those lemon slices on your burger bun? What the hell is that thinly sliced stuff on the side? Is that the smallest bun you could find? That thing would fit a 3lb burger. Sorry, I just can’t help myself. It does look great though Ms. M, and I am glad my recipe worked out for you. Kudos.

Reader Submission – Fried Chicken

May 1, 2009

So I got this email today from Brew Beer Bake Bread with a picture of the fried chicken he made from my recipe with the caption “So much freakin better with the skin on asshole. Did like the Old Bay in the crumb!” Well how in the hell would you know if it was better if you never had the skin off kind, idiot? I can debate this all night but one thing is for sure: that is some good looking fried chicken. Kudos.